Emergency & Disaster Information
Making An Emergency Kit For Yourself, Your Family
Winter storms, power outages, gas leaks, flooding – all typical (yet extremely disruptive) events which can affect our lives at any moment, often striking quickly and without warning. Whether the event results in a significant disruption of daily life – for example last October’s Snow Storm in which local residents were moved to nearby shelters, or simply a minor inconvenience, such as a brief power outage, your ability to handle such an event can be greatly improved when simple plans and resources are in place. Being prepared for emergencies is essential at home, school, work and in your community. While it may seem like an overwhelming process, there are many simple, (and yes, inexpensive) items you can have on hand better prepare yourself and your family.
Local officials and relief workers will make every attempt to be on the scene during and after a disaster, to help all who may need assistance. But in a large scale event, especially one that affects a large geographic area, it may be very difficult to reach everyone in a timely way. The best way to help keep you and your family safer is to be prepared before an emergency strikes. The West Caldwell Health Department is encouraging everyone to get prepared by having basic supplies on hand for immediate access as needed.
The Township is routinely developing and enhancing its internal emergency response plans, to be best prepared to respond to local emergencies, be they man-made or naturally occurring. In addition, it has actively participated in local and county exercises, addressing such public health issues as smallpox, SARS, mass medication distribution, and most recently, mass vaccination. The Township will continue to evaluate and revise its plans on an annual basis. The West Caldwell Health Department is placing particular emphasis on the enhancement of its Pandemic Influenza Response plans, and will be working with several first responder agencies within the towns served to help ensure a coordinated community effort in the event an influenza pandemic (or other wide-spread disease outbreak) should occur. Click here for several resources about pandemic flu.
Pets & Animals
The most important thing a person can do is to plan ahead. You cannot bring your pet to a shelter. If you are asked to evacuate, you need to bring your pets with you. You need to start thinking today about where you will take your pets -- ask a dependable friend or relative who lives some distance from the evacuation area if you and/or your pets can stay with them until the all clear is given. An alternative is to find a pet friendly motel. Pet friendly hotels\motel fill fast during emergencies so don't wait! There a number of them listed on the web:
You should have a portable pet carrier for each animal and identification with each animal. Bring copies of the pet's licenses, leashes, water and food bowls, pet foods, bottled water, special medications and instructions for their administration, any special needs for your pet, blankets, handy wipes, paper towels and litter or bedding.
Planning documents from the NJ Homeland Security:
Listen for public safety announcements and if you are called to evacuate -- DO NOT leave your pets behind!
Resources For Hurricane Preparedness
Hurricane Preparedness - Emergency Supplies
Preparing for Hurricanes & Other Tropical Storms
Pautas De La Limpieza General De La Inundacions
After the Flood Cleanup
Below is a list of resources to help manage the 'after-flood' cleanup.
Flood Clean-up Fact Sheet - Inside the Home
Hurricane & Flood Recovery - From the CDC
Food & Water Safety After a Hurricane
Flood Information For Restaurants and Other Retail Food Establishments
Has your restaurant lost power? Experienced a flood? Here are a few helpful resources:
What To Do When Water is Contaminated in Commercial Establishments
Guidelines for Handling Power Outage Emergencies for Restaurants