Automatic Debit Payments for Tax & Water Bills
The Township has developed a system to accept Automatic (ACH) Debit Payments for tax and water bills from West Caldwell residents. This program will allow residents to enroll with the Township and permit Automatic Debit transactions from a bill payers designated checking account whenever a tax or water payment is due. Enrollment may be for either or both tax and water payments.
At the time your water account is billed an advice copy of the water bill would be sent to you notifying you that your bank account will be debited for the amount of your quarterly water bill. For tax payments a notice would be sent to you notifying you that your account will be debited at the time your tax payment is due.
If you are interested in participating in the ACH program, please click the link below to download the application form. Your completed form should be mailed to:
Township of West Caldwell Tax Collector
30 Clinton Road
West Caldwell, NJ 07006
Please include a voided check with your application.
IMPORTANT TO NOTE: Once you have filed your application, you will receive a confirmation. The confirmation letter will advise you when your automatic debit(s) will begin. Until that time, you will need to make payment on your account by cash, check or money order.
If you have any questions, please contact the tax office, 973-226-2304 or Thank you for your interest.
Click here to download the ACH Enrollment Application
In addition, beginning January 20, 2015, the Township of West Caldwell is making it easier for residents to pay their quarterly tax and water payments by offering the ability to make online payments through Link2Gov, Corp. For more information on online payments, click here.