Pool Utility

West Caldwell offers two municipal pools for use by residents of the Township as well as by residents of Caldwell and (on a limited basis) Roseland. Both locations, Cedar Street and Westville Avenue, offer basketball courts and playgrounds. Cedar Street Pool also includes a separate "kiddie pool" on its grounds.
Membership is attained by purchasing seasonal badges at the West Caldwell Municipal Building at 30 Clinton Road in room 202. All members are issued identification badges which are required to enter the pool area. Guest passes may be purchased by members at the pool door. Membership entitles admission to both pools. General rules are posted at both sites. Swimming lessons are available for children entering kindergarten. West Caldwell residents from elementary through senior high school age are eligible to try out for the swim team.
Resident pool membership applications are available here.
Non - resident pool membership applications are available here.
The operation of the two swimming pools is conducted by The West Caldwell Pool Utility, an entirely self-supported department of the Township of West Caldwell. All capital costs, operating funds, and maintenance expenses are obtained from membership subscriptions. No tax dollars are used for the Pool Utility. Comments or questions on the pools may be directed to the West Caldwell Municipal Building, 30 Clinton Road, Room 202 or by a telephone call to 973-226-2300.